We have a problem in this country with more people than jobs. It's hurting the economy. A fortune cookie once told me "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime." I think the same is true about this piece of the economy. Give a man some money (a
stimulus package to the tax payers), and he spends for one day. Give the man a job, and he spends for a lifetime.
What happened to the jobs that we used to have? Corporate America sold them to other countries. Look at all the job functions and industries where jobs once held in America were sent to China, the Philippines, India, etc. Customer service, information technology, Manufacturing, and more. All of these jobs were either "outsourced" to other companies and/or "offshored", creating more people than work on the domestic front. So then the company can cut the jobs. And when you eliminate many positions, it hurts the economy. Corporate mergers too. "We do this. You do this too. We both don't need to do this, so we'll cut your job out." How is that good for anyone?
We need a government that looks out for the people who live and work in this country. Not one that looks out for the interests of the greedy corporate executives who only want to line their own pockets, even if their entire product line is dying a slow death and they had to lay off tens of thousands of workers. HOW UN-AMERICAN IS THAT?
If we want to succeed, we need to succeed together and work together. That means making these companies bring the jobs back to this country, while finding a way not to be bleeding money. When it comes to money, can you trust corporate executives? Maybe not. They will need to be monitored. We don't need a repeat of the U.S. Auto maker CEOs flying to Washington D.C. in separate private planes to beg for money.